Friday, February 29, 2008

Green Jobs

The Dream Reborn
Brought to you by Green For All
and the Ella Baker Center

Honor Dr. King's legacy.
Connect with inspiring people.
Build the green economy.

Dear aline,

The vision for a green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty is catching fire all across the nation. Presidential candidates, major news outlets, and people everywhere are talking about this growing movement for "green-collar" jobs. In our hands, we hold the potential to beat global warming, boost the economy, and create real hope for all people -- at the same time.

On April 4-6 in Memphis, Tennessee, the Ella Baker Center is joining with our sister organization Green For All to host "The Dream Reborn," a national conference of more than 1000 student, nonprofit, business and community leaders from across the nation. Together, we will commemorate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King on the 40th anniversary of his assassination and celebrate a new generation of visionary leaders. By bringing together green-collar practitioners and advocates, we will exchange our best models and ideas. And we will provide a forum for learning about the new green economy in the spirit of Dr. King's dream for racial and economic justice.

This gathering has the potential to be a landmark moment in this new movement -- with only five weeks to go, we need your help! Here's what you can do:

1) Register!

We expect this conference to fill up fast -- go to to get started. And don't forget to reserve your hotel room TODAY! With thousands coming to Memphis, rooms are going fast. The Dream Reborn website lists the last hotel blocks available in downtown Memphis, but you must sign up no later than March 13th. [link "The Dream Reborn website" to hotel page]

2) Spread the Word!

Everyone is welcome to register! Please note that in order to create an equitable green economy movement, we are committed to prioritizing participation from working class communities of color. With that goal in mind, please forward this e-mail widely, show your friends the website, and do everything you can to get great people to The Dream Reborn.

3) Sponsor a Community Leader

Working class people of color are the heart and soul of this movement. Amazing people are coming to The Dream Reborn: trainers, policymakers, practitioners, entertainers, scholars, activists, and mentors of every kind. It's vital that we can bring community leaders and youth of color to Memphis to make the most of this incredible gathering. Yet too often, local nonprofits, community activists, and youth don't have the resources to pay for travel, lodging, and registration. If you can spare anything to sponsor one of these community leaders to come to the Dream Reborn, please lend your support. We'll link you up directly with the people you're sponsoring, so you can hear about the difference you're making.

In Memphis, we have the potential to create something incredible: the launch of an unstoppable movement dedicated to fighting poverty and pollution at the same time. In whatever way you can, please join us.

Green jobs, not jails,

Ian Kim
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
In partnership with Van Jones, Alli Starr and the Dream Reborn Team

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