Tuesday, January 22, 2008

NotchUp pays you to interview

I just joined NotchUp's private beta program and wanted to share it with you.
NotchUp is a new way to manage your career. Instead of YOU having to sort through hundreds of job postings, NotchUp enables top companies to find you and pay you to interview for available jobs. It's 100% free to join and use.
If you're happy at your job, and don't want to look for anything new, you want to be on NotchUp.
There are two ways to become a NotchUp member: 1) You can apply for admittance to the network and wait for acceptance, or 2) You can be invited by a current member and start using NotchUp immediately. Because I invited you, you can join NotchUp without having to apply.
NotchUp is in private beta right now - to access the site, the username is launch, and the password is interview.
Click here to register for NotchUp and create your NotchUp profile. If the link doesn't work, you can copy and paste the text below into your web browser:
It takes less than five minutes to register and create a NotchUp profile, and it's the best time investment you'll make all year.
Good luck with your career!

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